Bows for Bailey is a recently added holiday.
It is where you wear a bow AT LEAST once a week. This celebration is in honor of me moving to Australia. It all started when I told my friends that I was moving they decided that we should do something in honor of me moving to Australia. Since I had worn bows everyday for a while we decided that we should all wear bows. So that is how Bows for Bailey or B.F.B was started 8:-)
Bows 8:-) |
I found out that I was moving to Australia on Saturday, October 16. We started off the morning by hopping in the car and driving to the Houston Zoo. Of course we had to have a challenge, so my dad thought it would be fun if we found three animals from somewhere besides the U.S, so we decided on three from Australia.
First we just had to all of the fish. They had the cutest baby jelly fish there not mush bigger than a baseball. The smallest just drifted around the tank, I don't think he had very much control over himself. We kept going through the room and stopped in front of the octopus tank. We stood there watching and waiting to see if something would happen, and sure enough the octopus slowly began to squeeze itself through a hole between a rock like thing and the side of the tank. Amazingly it fit!!! It slide along the front of the tank grasping it with its tentacles. It was really cool!!!
Next we just had to see the elephants! I ran over there because they are probably my favorite animal. The first thing I saw, was a baby elephant running to its mom. So CUTE!! When we all got over there the little baby one decided that it would be fun to play with poop, so it started to roll it around. I thought he was done playing with it, but apparently not he was just getting ready to eat it! Yum, right?!
If you go to the zoo you just have to see the monkeys right? So we meandered over to the monkey sanctuary. Where we saw...
- Mandrills
- Orangutans
- Gibbons
- Tamarins
Einstein Tamarin |
The little orange tamarins were so very cute :-) They are so tiny and their faces are so tiny. One species of tamarins looked liked tiny little Einsteins. Hee! hee! We also saw the giraffes, but they were in their house-a-mu-bobber, so you couldn't really see them :-( Oh well. It was still fun to go over and see them.
We ended up finding three things from Australia and getting a cute stuffed animal. After our adventure to the Zoo, we went to Outback Steakhouse it was really fun. That was when my parents told us that we were moving to Australia. :-) That's how I found out I was moving to Australia and that's also how B.F.B started which is Bows For Bailey for those of you who don't already know. 8:-)